The Call to Missions
Ministry Personnel Needs
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” (Jim Elliot)
Deitricht Bonhoeffer (another martyr) said, “When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die.” If this is so for every Christian, then how much more for the man or woman who leaves behind father, mother, brother, sister—even language and culture—to proclaim Christ in country not his own?
Is God calling you to career missions? You don’t have to be seminary trained, or ordained as a minister. There are many strategic places for seemingly ordinary folks can serve an extraordinary God in extraordinary ways.
Here are some of the key needs in Peru Mission:
Youth and college workers
Economics, Business, and Financial professionals
If you believe God may be calling you to missions and you’re interested in learning more about opportunities with Peru Mission please contact us.