Westminster Standards
Both our missionaries and board of directors receive and adopt the Westminster Confession and Catechisms in their original edition as ratified by the English Parliament in 1646 and adopted by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1647. Our church planting and other ministry efforts in Peru are uncompromisingly committed to these same standards.
This doctrinal commitment includes (but is not limited to) the following:
Full, verbal inspiration, infallibility, inerrancy, and authority of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments (cf. WCF chap. 1)
All of the attributes of God as classically confessed throughout church history, including the triune nature and absolute sovereignty of God in creation, providence, and human salvation in Christ (cf. WCF 2-3)
The corruption and guilt of man in solidarity with a historic Adam, in a Covenant of Works (cf. WCF 6)
The restoration of God’s new humanity in solidarity with the new Adam, Jesus Christ, in a Covenant of Grace. This includes our calling and moral renewal by the Holy Spirit, our free justification in union with Christ consisting of pardon, the imputation of Jesus’s passive and active obedience to us and received by faith alone. It also includes the continuing renewal by the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification, leading to the final perseverance, resurrection, and glorification of all of His elect (cf. WCF 7-20, 32)
Covenantal and Biblically regulated worship of the triune God each Lord’s Day, through Word and Sacrament, with vigorous and robust expository preaching, intercessory prayer, and biblical psalmody (cf. WCF 21-22, 27-29)
Covenantal marriage and family life, with the baptism and faithful Christian education of our children (cf. WCF 24, 28)
Churches organized into parishes and metropolitan presbyteries, led and governed by elders (including ministers and ruling elders) and assisted by deacons (cf. WCF 25-26, 30-31)
Missional vision of discipling nations as nations, such that civil magistrates submit to the covenantal lordship of Jesus Christ and come to be included in the social government of God’s people (cf. WCF 23, 31)
The final physical return of Jesus Christ and judgement by him of the just unto eternal blessedness and the unjust unto eternal torment (cf. WCF 33)

Follow these links to read the Westminster Confession, Larger & Shorter Catechisms, and related historical documents.
The Christian world, since the days of the Apostles never had a Synod of more excellent divines.
Richard Baxter (1615-1691)