
Christian Education

Providing distinctively Christian education for children in our churches and city.

Since 2015 Geneva School has provided distinctively Christian education for children in and around our churches. Biblical content and doctrine are the fountain of wisdom and thus serve as the foundation for all we do. We build on this foundation with a superstructure emphasizing on the one hand, arts, literature, and history as windows into a broad understanding of human nature and calling, and on the other hand, math, philosophy, science, and technology as windows into an understanding of the nature of creation and the practical means of ordering and governing it for God’s glory.


How you can help.

Help us build an educational system in Peru that serves the Christian community and witnesses to the Gospel by committing to regular prayer for our teachers and staff, our children and their families, and the general witness of Geneva in the community. Please consider giving financially to the Geneva Development Fund, or sponsoring a student by providing a full or partial scholarship for a needy child.