Geneva School
A Christian school for a place called “Hope”
In a district of Trujillo called “La Esperanza” (i.e. “hope”) Geneva School is building hope for children and families.
The school began in 2015 and now provides an affordable, distinctly Christian education for 260 children in grades K3-8th. Geneva has been operationally self-sustaining for the past few years, but requires assistance to finish construction for secondary grades. We hope to raise $290K in 2024 to complete construction on the final phase of the school. Can you help us?
The Lord has greatly blessed Geneva. The school is deeply committed to educating children with a primary emphasis on Scripture and the riches of the Western Christian Tradition. Most of the children are from unchurched backgrounds, but become involved in the general life of the Cristo Restaurador Church, particularly through Sunday School, youth activities, and Summer Camp. Even unbelieving parents are eager to have their children at Geneva, not only for its reputation for academic excellence, but also because they see it as a great spiritual and moral alternative to the deeply secular schools around us. The Lord has given us a great reputation in the city and most classes have an enrollment waiting list. Completing this construction will allow us to increase to around 350 students.
With the Lord’s blessing and your help we will begin construction on the remaining facilities by August 2024 and be able to have full enrollment for all grades (kindergarten, primary, and secondary) by March 2024. Our budget breaks down as follows:
Perimeter wall (phase 1): $48,000
Five additional classrooms, offices (phase 2): $213,500
Furnishings and equipment (phase 3): $28,500
Can you make a one-time contribution to this fund, or perhaps contribute a monthly amount until the project is completed?
All gifts are tax deductible. You may give online from this page by clicking on the button below and choosing “Geneva School” on the dropdown menu (write “construction” in the comment box). Also, checks may be sent to
Peru Mission USA
PO Box 25912
Greenville, SC 29616.
To speak with our financial office, please call (769) 990-5941. For other inquiries please reach out to Wes Baker or Dale Ellison.
Thank you so very much for your interest in helping with this project.