Our Ministries
Scripture tells us that the Spirit flows from Jesus to the Church (John 4.17-15), and through the Church out to the world (John 7.37-39).
The Lord has used Peru Mission to raise up a family of institutions that proclaim His Gospel in Word and deed, but each one maintains an intimate, organic connection to the Church because She is the one through whom the Spirit flows!
Church Planting
Planting churches that worship God with reverence and joy; proclaim the Biblical faith through word and deed; and live out the love of Christ in vibrant community.
Christian Education
Providing distinctively Christian education for children in our churches and city.
Christ Kids
Holistic ministry to at risk children and families.
Medical Ministry
Continuing the healing ministry of Jesus in Trujillo and the north of Peru.
Showing the mercy of Jesus through micro-savings, micro-finance, and micro-entrepreneurship.
University Ministry
Calling students to follow Jesus with their mind, heart, and hands.
Theological Education
Confessionally Reformed Biblical and theological instruction for our own churches that also serves the other denominations of our city with humility and Biblical ecumenicity.
Summer Camps
Leading children to Jesus through teaching, friendships, and summer fun.