Rebuild the Arevalo Manse
A new manse for the Arevalo Church.
Ricardo Hernández is the parish pastor for this Trujillo neighborhood, and his ability to minister here was seriously affected by destructive floods in 2017.
The total project cost is $93,000. We have raised $67K but have had the project on hold since the beginning of the pandemic. Our hope is to raise the remaining $26K in the first half of 2023 and then complete construction in the second half of the year. Can you help?
Among the effects of the flooding in Trujillo was damage to the foundation of the house where Pastor Ricardo lived. After the floods began to dry out, Ricardo and wife Danny noticed a great number of cracks that formed in key load bearing walls. Windows broke, and doors got so out of alignment that they wouldn’t shut. The back of the second floor began to slump very noticeably, such that the family became alarmed. Engineers inspected the house and discovered serious damage to the foundation and warned us that it was in danger of collapse. After further inspection and consultation with a builder the house was condemned and Pastor Ricardo and his family moved to a rental house in the neighborhood where they have remained for the past few years.
During the flooding, and through the generosity of many friends in the USA, Pastor Ricardo along with the rest of our team, assisted hundreds of families affected by the disaster. This included food, water, medicine, clothing, cleaning and hygiene supplies, bedding, and basic kitchen supplies and utensils, as well as assistance for rebuilding, as thousands of homes had been destroyed and/or washed away. It was during this time that the concerns with Pastor Ricardo's house surfaced, but it didn’t seem right at the time to distract from our broader relief efforts by talking about our own needs. Several years later, however, Ricardo is still in a rented house that is inadequate for his needs as a pastor in the neighborhood, in addition to the significant financial burden of paying rent each month.
We have architectural plans from an identical manse that we built several years ago in another church plant and have worked with a local builder to update those and the budget for this particular lot. The church has title to the property and the manse will remain in the name of the church. Total costs is $93,000. It will be a two-story house with a pastor’s study and large open living area, dining room, and kitchen on the first floor. This living and dining area is designed to accommodate large groups for Sunday lunch and similar gatherings. The second floor has four bedrooms and two baths.
We plan to begin building in early 2023 and are asking for:
One individual to give $10K
Two individuals to give $5K each
Six individuals to give $1K each
With this we could get Pastor Ricardo moved in during the latter half of 2023.
All gifts are tax deductible. You may give online on this page, or checks may be sent to:
Peru Mission USA
PO Box 25912
Greenville, SC 29616.
If you have questions for our financial manager, please call (769) 990-5941. For other inquiries please reach out to Wes Baker or Dale Ellison.
Thank you so very much for your interest in helping with this project!